FlexPanels - 2-Cell Control Panel

Supports the following standards: BS 1377 PART 6 1990
Purchase Options
Part Number & Name
FlexPanel, 2-Cell Control Panel, 2-150 psi (0.1 psi)
FlexPanel, 2-Cell Control Panel, 14-1000 kPa (1 kpa)
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  • Bias pressure regulator allows simultaneous control of confining
  • back pressures, while maintaining a constant differential
  • Longer Burette and 0.02ml graduation give more accurate results, better productivity, and faster turnaround
  • Bridge feature delivers simultaneous control of base and top pressures by adjusting one pressure regulator simplifying testing
  • Quick-connect hookups for fast and reliable set up.
  • Master control panel houses digital pressure readout for the controlling pressure, inlet vacuum regulator & gauge, inlet pressure regulators & gauge, de-aired water tank controls, tap & de-aired water supply outlets, and pressure & vacuum outlets
  • Comply with ASTM D5084; BS 1377 Part 6 1990.


Manuals, Data Sheets & Safety Data Sheets

Distribution Panels FlexPanels (Data Sheet PDF)

Humboldt Triaxial Equipment Guide-LR0417 (Data Sheet PDF)

HM-4150 man 1209 (Product Manual PDF)

Triaxial-FlexPanels-1-How-to-fill (Product Manual PDF)

Triaxial-FlexPanels-2-Cell-Fill (Product Manual PDF)

Triaxial-FlexPanels-3-Saturating-Drainage-Lines (Product Manual PDF)

Triaxial-FlexPanels-4-Saturation-B-Values (Product Manual PDF)

Triaxial-FlexPanels-5-Consolidation-Record (Product Manual PDF)



BS 1377 PART 6 1990

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