Test control and live test monitoring
Humboldt’s Elite Series Direct Shear machines provide the materials testing lab with a choice of a pneumatic loading and several dead-weight machines for direct shear testing applications. The HM-5760 is a pneumatic loading machine, which with its touch-screen monitor provides test control and live test monitoring in either a stand-alone or computer-controlled configuration.
The HM-5750 machines are dead-weight loading machines, which come in an analog and a digital configuration. These machines also take advantage of our touch-screen monitor to provide test control and live test monitoring in either a stand-alone or computer-controlled configuration.
Stand-Alone or Computer Controlled

Stand-Alone Control
Humboldt’s touch screen controller provides you with full, graphical monitoring of all testing functions in a stand-alone application, while maintaining full computer control when desired. Now you can have full, finger-tip control and monitoring of all testing functions with Humboldt’s touch-screen controller, found on these load frames. These seven-inch, waterproof screens provide at-a-glance monitoring in a real-time graphical display without the use of a computer, building upon Humboldt’s dedication to modular, stand-alone data acquisition.
Computer Control
Humboldt’s Next software is included with all Elite Series Direct Shear machines. This software provides robust machine control, calibration, data acquisition and report generation for those using a computer to control load frame operations.

A choice of a pneumatic loading and dead-weight machines

The Humboldt HM-5760 Direct/residual shear apparatus, utilizes pneumatic loading to apply vertical loads to a sample eliminating the need for loading weights used in dead weight-type systems.
The microprocessor-based system features a stepper-motor drive system and a 7" touch-screen display that allows the operator to control and monitor all test functions.

The HM-5750A Direct Shear machine is an economical choice for performing direct/residual shear tests utilizing the dead-weight method and analog measuring devices. The microprocessor-based system features a stepper-motor drive system and a 7" touch-screen display that allows the operator to control and monitor all test functions. The HM-5750A is supplied complete with a 2,000 lbf (10kN) capacity load cell; 1" (25.4mm) horizontal strain transducer, and a 0.4" (10.2mm) vertical strain transducer.

The HM-5750D Direct Shear machine is an economical choice for performing direct/residual shear tests utilizing the dead-weight method and digital measuring devices. The microprocessor-based system features a stepper-motor drive system and a 7" touch-screen display that allows the operator to control and monitor all test functions. The HM-5750D is supplied complete with a 2,200 lbf (10kN) capacity load ring and two 1.0" x 0.0001" (25.40 x 0.002mm) digital indicators.